we shifted our operating system ... and we can help you shift yours

Discover how you and your teams, groups, business and other relational systems can flourish by aligning with Life itself

An image of a white man coaching a black woman at a laptop, both smiling and learning.
An image of a man presenting an idea board to a group of his peers in a brainstorm session at a startup casual business company.

Who We Are.

Individually and collectively, we have made the shift Life is calling for – and we can make this possible for you, your business, and your relationships.

We partner with you to design the solutions you need to thrive through the personal or professional challenges you face - whether you are an individual or a larger relational system such as a business, team, family, group or organization.

How We Work.

Shifting operating systems is not easy. This is true whether it is an individual or a group, community, partnership, business or organization.

We know that YOU are the most essential force in achieving your goals and aspirations. We know how much faster people and businesses reach their goals when they have the right support, guidance, tools and modalities to learn and grow.

We work with you to co-create tailored and complete solutions to the challenges you face, no matter how complex.  We collaborate to get to the root of your challenges, and we are unique in the breadth and depth of modalities, approaches and interventions we draw on. When we co-create a plan with you, we don’t simply combine services - we intelligently design and integrate diverse modalities into singularly effective and holistic solutions.

 "with human os2, you and your teams naturally function at the highest levels of performance, ease and creativity"
Alicja, William, Edyta

Meet our team

We are excited to support you to make your dreams come true